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05 October 2015, Volume 1 Issue 1
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New Trends of the Main Countries Cybersecurity Strategy in 2015
Cui Chuanzhen
2015, 1(1): 2-08.
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A Survey of Future Internet Architecture and Security Design
Chen Zhong1) Guan Zhi1),2) Meng HongWei1) Meng ZiQian1)
2015, 1(1): 9-18.
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The research of future Internet architecture has become a hot field of global research because of the fact that the current Internet can’t satisfy the increasing needs and solve emerging problems. This paper introduces and compares the security features of three Future Internet Architecture research programs supported by National Science Foundation of United States. Furthermore, this paper proposes intrinsic security, CPK based authentication, balancing between privacy and accountability as three research direction for the security of future Internet architecture.
Survey of Hash Functions
Wang Xiaoyun1,2 and Yu Hongbo3
2015, 1(1): 19-30.
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One of the fundamental primitives in modern cryptography is the cryptographic hash functions, often informally called hash functions. They are used to compress messages of arbitrary length to fixed length hash values which are also called hash codes, message digests or digital fingerprints. A primary motivation for cryptographic hash functions is that they serve as compact representative images of input messages, which they can uniquely identify. Changing a single letter will change most of the digits in the hash code. The most common cryptographic uses of hash functions are with digital signature and for data integrity. Hash functions are frequently used in digital signature schemes to compress large messages for processing by public-key cryptosystems such as RSA. They are also used to design message authentication codes (MACs) and many secure cryptographic protocols. Hash functions occur as components in various cryptographic applications (e.g. protection of pass-phrases, protocols for payment, broadcast authentication etc.), where usually their property as a computational one-way function is used. So the study of the hash functions is of great significance in the cryptanalysis field.
Research of Threat Intelligence Sharing and Using for Cyber Attack Attribution
Yang Zeming, Li Qiang, Liu Junrong, and Liu Baoxu
2015, 1(1): 31-36.
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With the increasingly complexity of cyberspace security, the attack attribution has become an important challenge for the security protection system. The emergence of threat intelligence provided plentiful data source support for the attack attribution, which makes large-scale attack attribution became possible. To realize effective attack attribution, based on the structure expression of the threat information, a light weight framework of threat intelligence sharing and utilization was proposed. It included threat intelligence expression, exchange and utilization, which can achieve the attack attribution result. Take the case of C2 relevant information, we described the expression of threat intelligence sharing and utilization, and verified the framework. Results show that the framework is practical, and can provide new technical means for attack attribution. In addition, based on the understanding of threat intelligence, several thinking about the construction of sharing and utilization mechanisms were promoted in the end.
Studies on Cybersecurity Assurance System
Lv Xin
2015, 1(1): 37-43.
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With the rapid development of internet and the deep integration of social and reality space, the concept of cyberspace has been continuously expanding. Cyberspace brings new challenges to national sovereignty, security and development interests, and presents new requirements which have a profound influence. The whole world attaches great importance to the construction of cybersecurity national strategy and research on cyberspace security issues. This paper introduceds the concept and process of cyberspace and cybersecurity, and analyzesd systematics behaviors of cyberspace from the perspective of systematology. Through regarding cybersecurity Assurance System as a complex giant system, the paper makes analysis of the security objects, objectives, measures, time and information security threats of cybersecurity, and finally buildst a five-dimensional model of Cybersecurity Assurance System.
Multimedia Information Security: A Review
Kong Xiangwei1) Wang Bo1) and Li Xiaolong2)
2015, 1(1): 44-53.
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In the information and network era, multimedia is confronted with severe information security risks, though it has provided great audio and visual enjoyments to people for last few decades. In view of the typical research areas of multimedia information security, including steganography and steganalysis, digital watermarking, multimedia forensics, perceptual hash and multimedia content privacy, this paper firstly expounds the background of specific problems and explains the typical concept. Based on the analysis of the previous works, the potential problems and challenges in the future are summarized and discussed separately. Finally, this paper draws the conclusion and shows the prospect of multimedia information security.
Research of Information Security Risk Assessment Model Based on GB/T 20984
Pan Xuelin 1,2,3 and Sun Wei 1,4
2015, 1(1): 54-59.
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Information security has been globalized in the Internet era, which is also one ofthe socially focused concerns.It makes the information security risk assessment system particularly important. Security incidents often usedthe diversification of vulnerabilities to make the security of systems improved in the past.. Information security is dependent on the integrated system engineering involving technology and management. Risk assessment is a process which identifies the weaknesses of the information system andanalyses the threat level of eventsusing the weakness above.. At last, risk assessment need to evaluate the possibility of negative impacts for the threats. The implementary specification for risk assessmentis not specific enough, so it is necessary to refine related theory according tomore practise..Based on the original risk calculationa improved information security risk assessment model is designed in this paper.The improved assessment will solve the problem of information security risk calculation in the GB/T 20984--2007 technical specification better. . Through the analysis of the value of risk assets, threat and vulnerability of risk assets, the risk value is calculated.The value will be used to clarify the effectiveness of risk control measures.Through the risk analysis, the risk calculation value becomes more scientific and reliable, presentinga new approach to risk analysis and calculation. It has proved thatthe combination of standard for assessment and practise will prove the validity of the model better.
Locality Preserving Dictionary Pair Learning Algorithm for Classification and Recognition
Guo Yan-Qing Wang Jiu-Jun Guo Jun
2015, 1(1): 60-66.
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Dictionary learning (DL) has been widely applied in various computer vision problems. Most existing DL methods aim to learn a synthesis dictionary to represent the input signal while enforcing the representation coefficients and/or representation residuals to be discriminative. However, the l0 or l1-norm sparsity constraint on the representation coefficients adopted in most DL methods makes the learning phase time consuming. Hence, a new DL framework, namely analysis dictionary learning, has been proposed to deal with this problem. Besides, jointly learning a synthesis dictionary and an analysis dictionary has also drawn much attention recently, which can not only reduce the time complexity in the learning phase, but also lead to very competitive accuracy in a variety of classification and recognition tasks. This paper is motivated by the recently proposed dictionary pair learning algorithms. Our proposed novel Locality Preserving Discriminative Synthesis-Analysis Dictionary Pair Learning Algorithm integrates the local structure of training data, which is totally ignored in most applications of dictionary pair learning. We evaluate the proposed algorithm on three databases, including two face databases (Extended YaleB and AR) and one image categorization database (Caltech101). Based on the experiment results, we conclude that our algorithm can largely reduce the computational burden and improve the accuracies.
Research on Short Text Recommendation Merging Sentential Semantic Structure Model
Yuan Yujiao,Luo Senlin,Lin Meng and Pan Limin
2015, 1(1): 67-73.
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Based on the collaborative filtering traditional recommendation system need to collect relevant data of user‘s interests and preferences, to a certain extent involved in the user's personal privacy, current information security and privacy protection is one of the hot field of data mining, in order to avoid disclosure of user information with to security issues, In this paper, we propose a new short text recommendation method based on sentential semantic structure model. We fist use topic model structure text-theme matrix to several subtopics. We employ sentential semantic structure model to extract semantic features to get sentential semantic features. Then LDA topic model fusing sentential semantic structure model is used to calculate the pairwise sentence similarities and construct the similarity matrix. Then we acquire sentential relationship features. At last, combining both sentential semantic features and relationship features, the most informative text are extracted from each subtopic. Experimental results demonstrate the improvement of our proposed framework, ROUGE-1 value is 31.388% while ROUGE-SU* value is 15.701% on compress ratio at 0.5%.The results indicate that introducing sentential semantic structure model can better understand sentential semantic and using both sentential semantic features and relationship features can also enrich the features representation.
Research on Security Technology Framework of Mobile E-government System
Fu Hongyan, Liu Bei
2015, 1(1): 74-80.
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The mobile e-government is a kind of low-carbon office styles, which is flexible and less energy consumption. It is the inevitable trend of efficient government. By mobile office, each government worker can complete his task at any time or place through any authorized mobile terminal. At the same time, he must face all kinds of security risks in the open office environment without special security requirements. To reduce the security risks, a security technology framework of mobile e-government system is proposed which includes mobile terminal security, transmission security, mobile access security,and server security. Four components of the security framework are described in detail according to from different security requirements and security technologies. The basic structure of mobile e-government system is summarized in order to explain the framework. And, the existing mobile office system solutions are also analyzed in detail which include two designs based on APP and application virtualization. Finally, the key of implementing mobile e-government system is given. In the actual mobile e-government project, the application of this framework is shown to significantly reduce the security risk.
Cyberspace Strategic Measures of U.S. DoD and the Enlightenments
Wang Yongjun and Su Jinshu
2015, 1(1): 81-85.
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Taking the construction of cyberspace operations forces and the cyberspace operations capabilities of the U.S. army as the core, in order to achieve the freedom of action in cyberspace, the U.S. Department of Defense has taken a number of strategic measures from five different levels, which includes the national strategy, the military strategy, the organization of combat forces, the construction of key elements of combat forces, and the law environment to support cyberspace operations. These strategic measures have achieved very comprehensive and positive results and ensured that the U.S. army maintains the absolute superiority of cyberspace operations in the future information war. By analyzing and grasping the logical structure and development context of cyberspace strategy of the U.S. Department of Defense, the corresponding references and inspirations are provided for the construction and development of China's cyberspace capabilities, which will help China take the initiatives in the cyberspace games of the world.
Cracking the Hard Mathematical Problems of Cryptographic Algorithm
Cui Chuanzhen
2015, 1(1): 92-96.
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