Journal of Information Security Research ›› 2017, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4): 305-309.

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Cryptographic Service Platform Based on Trusted Computing Technology


  • Received:2017-04-13 Online:2017-04-13 Published:2017-04-13



  1. 北京得安信息技术有限公司北京100032
  • 通讯作者: 刘磊
  • 作者简介:刘磊 硕士,主要研究方向为密码技术、PKICA认证技术、网络信息安全等.

Abstract: Trusted computing is an active defense and immune security system. In this paper, from practical demands in financial industry and electronic government, we propose a cryptographic service platform based on trusted computing, which supports domesticallymade standard SM1, SM2, SM3, SM4 cryptographic algorithms and uses trusted computing technology to protect cryptographic deices and systems. This platform provides uniform cryptographic computing service, key management and cryptographic devices management etc, and it has excellent reliability, security, efficiency, parallel processing and load balancing. This platform can be applied to financial industry, electronic government and electronic commerce.

Key words: trusted computing, cryptographic technology, public key cryptosystems, symmetric key cryptosystems, cryptographic hash algorithms

摘要: 可信计算是一种主动防御、可信免疫的安全保障体系,从我国金融、电子政务等领域的信息安全实际需求出发,提出了基于可信计算技术的密码服务平台,支持国产SM1,SM2,SM3,SM4密码算法,采用可信计算技术实现对密码设备和密码系统的安全保护.此平台实现了统一的密码运算服务、密钥管理、密码设备管理等功能,具有高可靠性、高安全性、高性能、多机并行、负载均衡等优势,可应用于金融证券、电子政务、电子商务等领域.

关键词: 可信计算, 密码技术, 公钥密码算法, 对称密码算法, 密码杂凑算法