Journal of Information Security Research ›› 2017, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4): 353-358.

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Research and Application of Trusted Computing in Electric Power System


  • Received:2017-04-13 Online:2017-04-13 Published:2017-04-13



  1. 全球能源互联网研究院
  • 通讯作者: 安宁钰
  • 作者简介:安宁钰 工学硕士,工程师,主要研究方向为信息安全、可信计算.

Abstract: Power system is an important national infrastructure. Its safe and stable operation is the important guarantee of economic development and national security and stability. Chinas power system has been in safety protection with relevant regulations and requirements of the departments of the state, but the face of the current complex cyberspace security situation, there are still subject to APT and other malicious code attack risk. Trusted computing refers to the calculation of the operation at the same time security, so that the operation and process behavior under any conditions, the results are always the same as expected, the calculation can be measured throughout the control, not interference, is to change the traditional “Kill” the basis of passive defense technology. This paper analyzes the information security risks and challenges faced by the power system. and introduces the research and application of the trusted computing technology in the power system, and gives the recommended prospect for the engineering application of the trusted computing in combination with the actual production situation. Based on the trusted computing technology to build the power information security and immune system, and create an important industrial production control system and information infrastructure in the application of trusted computing technology to achieve high safety level protection of the precedent, the safety of other industries construction is also given worthy of reference and reference to the model.

Key words: electric power system, trusted computing, active defense, information security, advanced persistent threat (APT)

摘要: 电力系统是国家重要基础设施,其安全稳定运行是社会经济发展、国家安全稳定的重要保障.我国电力系统已经按照国家有关部门的相关规定和要求进行了信息安全防护,但面对当前复杂的网络空间安全形势,仍然存在遭受APT等恶意代码攻击的风险.可信计算是指计算运算的同时进行安全防护,使操作和过程行为在任意条件下,其结果总是与预期一样,计算全程可测可控,不被干扰,是改变传统的“封堵查杀”被动防御技术的基础.分析了电力系统所面临的信息安全风险与挑战,介绍了可信计算技术在电力系统中的研究与应用情况,并结合生产实际情况对可信计算的工程化应用给出了建议展望.基于可信计算技术构建电力信息安全免疫系统,开创了我国重要工业生产控制系统和信息基础设施中应用可信计算技术实现高安全等级防护的先河,对其他行业的安全免疫工程建设也给出了值得参考和借鉴的示范.

关键词: 电力系统, 可信计算, 主动防御, 信息安全, 高级持续性威胁