Journal of Information Security Reserach ›› 2021, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (11): 1052-.

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Study on the Legislation Paradigm of Data Factors Market Development


  • Online:2021-11-07 Published:2021-11-05


柳峰1  高绍林2   

  1. 1 (北京大学(天津滨海)新一代信息技术研究院 天津 300450)
    2 (天津市人大常委会法制工作委员会 天津 300042)

  • 通讯作者: 柳峰 博士.主要研究方向为数字经济发展范式、场景创新产业发展、数据要素市场理论与技术.
  • 作者简介:柳峰 博士.主要研究方向为数字经济发展范式、场景创新产业发展、数据要素市场理论与技术. 高绍林 硕士,原天津市人大常委会法工委主任(正局级).著有《地方立法工作体系研究》.主要从事立法学研究和立法工作实务.

Abstract: The legislation of data factors market should start from the study and clarification of the special characteristics and safe utilization of the data factors, with the comparative analysis to the real property, chattel, intangible assets which are relatively clearly regulated by the current laws, formulate the systematic framework and legislation paradigm which would best fit the China characteristic environment and systems. As the new type of the production factors, data is quite different from the real property, chattel, and intangible assets in the physical form, uniqueness, laws regulation, rights certification, infringement, technology support and transform mode. The data factors market need to be systematically planed and designed in the rules, incentive mechanism, safe utilization and long-run development from the economics prospective. As a complex social systematic engineering subject, the development of data factors market should apply with an comprehensive view to consider the interaction and inter-affection from not only the legal causes, but also the technology, economic and business causes and adopt basic routine of the socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics——“focus on the current issues-guided with principle policy-explore on the local legislation- regulate by administrative law-conclude to the law”.

Key words: data, data ownership and rights, data assets, data factors market, data safe utilization

摘要: 数据要素市场发展的立法首先需要研究与厘清数据要素的特殊性,从数据要素特殊性和数据安全保护出发,通过对数据要素与现有法律范式已有明确规约的不动产、动产与无形资产的比较分析,确立数据要素市场发展的系统工程框架,并进而研究适合中国特色环境与制度的立法范式.作为新型的生产要素,数据与传统不动产、动产与无形资产在实物形态、唯一性、法律规范、确权方式、侵权判定、技术保障以及转移方式等方面具有显著不同的特点.数据要素市场发展需要从制度设计、激励开发、安全利用与长效发展等经济学角度进行系统规划与设计.数据要素市场发展是一个复杂的社会系统工程问题,除了法律因素以外,还需要综合考虑技术、经济、商业等多个系统的相互作用与影响,可以借鉴中国特色社会主义法律体系形成的基本路径——“针对现实问题→政策原则指导→地方立法探索→行政立法规制→总结上升法律”.

关键词: 数据, 数据权属, 数据要素市场, 数据安全利用, 立法范式