Journal of Information Security Reserach ›› 2021, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (11): 1077-.

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Identification of “Traffic To Be Obtained” in Cases of Traffic Hijacking


  • Online:2021-11-07 Published:2021-11-05



  1. (上海大学法学院 上海市 200444)
  • 通讯作者: 王思瑀 硕士研究生,研究方向为知识产权
  • 作者简介:王思瑀 硕士研究生,研究方向为知识产权

Abstract: Traffic hijacking refers to the unfair behavior that using commercial technical measures to hijack the trading opportunities that should belong to the operating subject and to induce or force users to use the hijacker's network services.One of the focus issues in current traffic hijacking cases and also the difficulty in judgment is the identification of "traffic to be obtained". "Traffic to be obtained" is taken as the precondition to judge traffic hijacking, and it also lays a foundation for the judgment of "unfairness of ways ".Through the analysis of typical cases of traffic hijacking, the identification of "traffic to be obtained" should be taken into comprehensive consideration from such aspects as the use relationship between the two competitors, the cost-benefit ratio of the hijacked, the  expectation of the users and the industry practices.

Key words: traffic hijacking, traffic to be obtained, unfair competition, cost-benefit ratio, industry practices

摘要: 流量劫持是指运用商业手段或者技术措施劫持本应属于经营主体的交易机会,诱导或者迫使用户使用劫持者的网络服务且具有不正当性的行为。当前流量劫持案件的焦点问题之一,也是判断的难点即在于“将得流量”的认定,“将得流量”作为判断流量劫持的前置要件,同时也为“行为手段不正当性”的判断打下基础。通过分析流量劫持的典型案例,对于“将得流量”的认定,应当从竞争双方的使用关系、被劫持者的成本收益比、用户的心理预期和行业惯例等方面综合考量。

关键词: 流量劫持, 将得流量, 不正当竞争, 成本收益比, 行业惯例