Journal of Information Security Reserach ›› 2021, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (11): 998-.

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Security Strategy of Active Security Network Architecture 


  • Online:2021-11-07 Published:2021-11-05


刘建兵1  马旭艳2  王小宏3  王振欣1   

  1. 1(北京北信源软件股份有限公司  北京  100195)
    2(中国石油东方地球物理公司  河北保定  0727502)
    3(昆仑数智科技有限责任公司  西安  710077)
  • 通讯作者: 刘建兵 硕士,高级工程师.主要研究方向为网络安全、工控安全.
  • 作者简介:刘建兵 硕士,高级工程师.主要研究方向为网络安全、工控安全. 马旭艳 工程师.主要研究方向为网络安全、工控安全. 王小宏 工程师.主要研究方向为网络安全、工控安全. 王振欣 硕士,高级工程师.主要研究方向为网络安全、工控安全.

Abstract: This is the fourth article in a series of articles on active security network architecture. It explains the security concept of active security network architecture and the core content of network security protection strategies, and clarifies that organizations need to use network security strategies to carry out network security protection work in order to seize the key to safety protection work of the network. With the support of active security network architecture, organizations can comprehensively formulate, integrate, publish, and execute network security strategies, effectively exert various characteristics and functions of network security strategies, and rely on active security strategies to fundamentally change the organization's network Security protection methods and effects; The implementation of active security strategies within the organization will bring to the organization various security values such as unified command of security protection, coordinated release of security capabilities, and improvement of security protection effectiveness, which will significantly improve the organization's network security protection capabilities and effects.

Key words: security strategy, unified management, strategy realization, strategic coordination, security value 

摘要: 本文是主动安全网络架构系列文章的第4篇,阐述了主动安全网络架构的安全理念和网络安全防护策略的核心内涵,明确了组织需要通过网络安全策略来开展网络安全防护工作,以抓住网络安全防护工作的关键.在主动安全网络架构支撑下,组织可全面进行网络安全策略的制定、集成、发布、执行等工作,有效发挥网络安全策略的各种特性和作用,并依托主动安全策略,从根本上改变组织网络安全防护的方式和成效;主动安全策略在组织内部的落地实施,将给组织带来安全防护统一指挥、安全能力协同释放、安全防护成效提高等多方面的安全价值,使得组织的网络安全防护能力和效果得到显著提升.

关键词: 安全策略, 统一管理, 策略实现, 策略协同, 安全价值