信息安全研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (10): 962-.

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  1. 1)( 国家信息中心 信息与网络安全部, 北京100045) 
  • 出版日期:2021-10-09 发布日期:2021-10-09
  • 通讯作者: 高亚楠
  • 作者简介:高亚楠 1990年出生, 硕士学历学位, 工程师, 主要研究领域为网络安全、数据安全

Analysis of Data Security Governance Frame in E-Government

  • Online:2021-10-09 Published:2021-10-09

摘要: 电子政务数据作为国家基础性战略资源,事关国家政治经济运行、国防和社会稳定。电子政务数据面临着严峻的安全形势和错综复杂的安全威胁,亟需高屋建瓴的安全框架指导数据安全治理工作的开展。对电子政务数据安全治理存在的问题和当前研究情况展开了研究。在分析电子政务数据面临的威胁和风险的基础上,研究数据治理框架和安全治理框架,基于系统工程方法,提出了电子政务数据安全治理框架和治理途径。给出了电子政务数据安全治理的新目标、新方法、新途径、新举措,为电子政务数据安全治理的落地实施提供了参考。

关键词: 电子政务, 数据安全, 数据治理, 参考框架, 治理途径

Abstract: As a basic national strategic resource, e-government data is related to the country's political and economic operations, national defense, and social stability. The severe security situation and complex security threats affect e-government data security, and a high-level security framework is urgently needed to guide the development of data security governance. The problems of e-government data security governance and the current research situation are studied. Based on the threats and risks analysis of e-government data, to study the data governance framework and security governance framework. And based on the system engineering method, propose the e-government data security governance framework and governance approaches. The new goals, new methods, new approaches, and new measures of e-government data security governance are given, which provide a reference for the implementation of e-government data security governance.

Key words: E-government, data security, data governance, frame of reference, governance method