信息安全研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (11): 1135-.

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  1. 1(中国电子系统技术有限公司北京100071)
  • 出版日期:2022-11-06 发布日期:2022-11-03
  • 通讯作者: 林梓瀚 硕士,工程师.主要研究方向为数据法律、人工智能法律、互联网治理、ICT国际政策.
  • 作者简介:林梓瀚 硕士,工程师.主要研究方向为数据法律、人工智能法律、互联网治理、ICT国际政策. 游祎 博士,馆员.主要研究方向为大数据与国际关系、信息素养教育、信息服务. 魏伟 博士,工程师.主要研究方向为数据治理、智慧城市、数字经济及复杂网络.

Research and Trend Analysis on the Global Development and  Competition State of 6G

  • Online:2022-11-06 Published:2022-11-03

摘要: 当前,西方国家率先布局6G领域,力图继续维护其未来通信领域的技术优势.为维护技术霸权.美国旨在提高未来6G领域的国际领导力,出于“技术主权”的战略考虑,欧盟抢先布局6G赛道,日韩、五眼国家等美国盟友紧随欧美步伐,推进其6G发展步伐.这将加剧全球6G“科技竞赛”,加大数字鸿沟.同时,拜登政府上台后,基于现实主义外交政策将继续形成围堵中国的6G地缘政治格局,未来国际6G标准话语权争夺将“白热化”.为了应对未来全球6G发展的竞争态势,我国应加快6G整体战略制定步伐,继续加强国际产业布局以及积极参与国际6G标准制定,推动我国未来6G发展.

关键词: 6G, 标准, 中美, 主权, 数字鸿沟

Abstract: Based on their existing technological advantages, Western countries have taken the lead in the 6G field in an attempt to continue to maintain their technological superiority in the future communication field. To maintain technological hegemony, the U.S. aims to improve its international leadership in the future 6G field, and for the strategic consideration of “technological sovereignty”, the EU has been trying to get ahead of the game, while Japan, South Korea, the Five Eyes countries and other U.S. allies are following the pace of Europe and the U.S. to advance their 6G development. This will intensify the global 6G “technology race” and therefore increase the digital divide. At the same time, after the Biden administration takes office, the U.S. will continue its containment strategy based on realist foreign policy, that is 6G geopolitical pattern encircling China, and the competition for the rulemaking power in future will be “whitehot”. In order to cope with the future competition of 6G, China should accelerate the pace of the overall 6G strategy, continue to strengthen the international industrial layout and actively participate in the development of international 6G standards to promote the future development of 6G.

Key words: 6G, standard, SinoUS relationship, sovereignty, digital divide